September 17, 2014

Michaud Responds to Veterans’ Affairs Committee Hearing on Phoenix OIG Report

Washington D.C.  – The House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs held a comprehensive hearing today examining the VA’s OIG report into the systemic failures in Phoenix. VA Secretary Robert McDonald testified before the committee, and addressed many of the reforms the Department needs to undertake to improve outcomes for veterans.

Ranking Member Mike Michaud (D-ME) issued the following statement after today’s hearing:

“Today’s hearing provided valuable insight into what problems remain within VA, and what we need to do more of moving forward as we reform the Department. I left the hearing troubled by the fact that there remain questions as to whether the OIG report gives a full picture of the impact of the failures in Phoenix on our veterans.

“I was disappointed to hear that real accountability will take more time. I believe in due diligence and due progress. But, I am frustrated with the cumbersome and lengthy process that exists within the federal personnel system. We need this accountability in order to move forward.

“I’d like to thank the Secretary for joining us today. I appreciate his ownership of the problems at VA and his commitment to progressive reform. The Secretary referenced before the Committee today our ongoing conversations about reform– particularly the need for streamlining the Department’s bulky structure and making it easier for veterans to access care and services. I look forward to continuing to work with him on developing these urgent reforms over the coming weeks and months, in consultation with veterans’ groups, Members of Congress, and other stakeholders.”